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                   Bhramari pranayama

                             Bhramari Pranayama or Bumblebee Breath is a calming breath practice that can be performed anywhere. Bhramari is derived from the Sanskrit term for “bee.” This breath practice is named after a type of black Indian bee due to the bee-like buzzing sound produced during the exhale. This breath practice can relieve stress, agitation, and anger. It can also help to calm the body and mind before sleep.

               "A way to total freedom, grace, love, filling souls, finding life purpose, and welcoming abundance into life"

                 If you have a hard time meditating or are new to the practice of meditation, Bhramari breath can also be a helpful tool. While practicing Bhramari breath you close your eyes, block your ears and make an audible humming sound. This can help to block out external distractions and the humming can give you something to focus on while also helping to quiet any internal thoughts or mind chatter.

How to do :-

1.Sit in any easy posture.

2.Keep your fingers on your eyes

3.close your eyes. Take care not to put pressure on the eyes.

4.Close the ear with the thumb.

5.Now breathe in and resonate like a bee. 

6.exhale through your nose making an ummmmm sound. Do 5 to 10 rounds.

                      While practicing Bhramari breath, notice if you can feel the vibration of your humming in your face. You may notice a vibrating sensation in your jaw, cheek bones, teeth, or maybe even on the surface of your skin. If you are having trouble feeling the vibration, try humming at a higher pitch. Practice balancing the effort of your hum that it is strong enough to feel the vibration but gentle enough to feel calming and relaxing.


  1. I see your blogs every day, write very well, carry on


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